



A one year ministry certificate created to equip Christians for leadership in the Church & marketplace through biblical academic education, rooted spiritual formation, and practical ministry experience.

this could be your beginning.

Rooted Spiritual Formation

  • Spiritual formation & discipleship are at the heart of the DELTA program. Our program class sizes are small in order for students & instructors to be in close relationship with one another as we TOGETHER follow & grow in Christ.

Biblical Academic Education

  • Our program hosts in person lecture style teaching in order to foster an intimate learning environment where we can grow deeply in our knowledge of God's Word & the foundations of Christian belief.

Practical Ministry Experience

  • We are big believers in practicing what we preach. It's one thing to learn, and know, but it's another to be & do. The Delta program provides opportunity for students to be paired with a ministry mentor with hands on ministry opportunities within local Churches in our communities.

  • DELTA is a one-year Christian ministry Certificate that equips Christians to live out their God-given purpose in whatever context they find themselves. We do this through studying God’s Word and the foundations of Christian belief, diving into rhythms of spiritual formation & discipleship, and putting it all into practice with hands on ministry experience. 

    *Our learning experiences are lecture-based, interactive environments designed for deep comprehension of material.

  • DELTA is for any disciple of Jesus who... 

    1. Desires to grow in their understanding of the Christian faith and in spiritual maturity. 

    1. Aspires to discern, explore, and prepare for their God-given calling in both ministry & the marketplace. 

  • We have designed DELTA intentionally making it accessible to those working part time and creating space for a ministry practicum alongside your studies, all while completing 30 credit hours. All courses take place on location at the college in Kitchener Ontario, and ministry practicums can be done at Base Church, or other approved partnering local churches in our area.

    Program Breakdown (30 credits) 

    • Bible and Theology (12 credits) 

    • General Studies (8 credits) 

    • Professional Studies (10 credits) 

    Course List

    Old Testament Survey
    New Testament Survey
    Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
    Introduction to Christian Doctrine
    Spiritual Formation 1
    Gospel, Mission, and Culture
    Life and Leadership Essentials 1 & 2
    Ministry Formation 1 & 2
    “DELTA” Seminar 1 & 2

  • Weekly Commitment

    In-Class Instruction: 12 hours 

    Homework: 12 hours (approx.) 

    Practicum: 8 hours (Including Sunday mornings) 

    Seminar: 1 hour 

    Chapel: 1 hour 

    Total: 34 hours 

    View our academic calendar here.

  • Participants in the DELTA program will gain. 

    1. A sound understanding of the overarching Biblical narrative and the foundations of Christian belief and practice. 

    1. A deeper grasp of your identity in Christ, the rhythms of spiritual growth, and your role in the mission of Jesus’ Church. 

    1. Practical ministry experience and developed skills that carry over to a job or career in either local church ministry or the marketplace. 

  • Our vision entails fostering close-knit student communities, where students embark on a journey together. This entails spending 2.5 days on campus engaging in courses designed to deepen their understanding of biblical principles, nurture spiritual growth, and provide practical hands-on ministry experience. Each student will be matched with a ministry mentor within their sphere of influence, ensuring personalized guidance and support. Our aim is to facilitate deep discipleship and significant personal growth as you are invested in and mentored along your journey.

    For more information on residence, please reach out here.

  • Tuition Breakdown:

    Cost Per Credit hour: $385 

    Total cost of tuition (exclusive of compulsory fees): $11,550 

    Total with $175 per semester tech fee: $11,900/year 

    Scholarships are available and you can learn more here.

  • All applicants must demonstrate the following in the application from, or provide separately as part of the application process: 

    • A commitment to following Jesus and to the pursuit of spiritual maturity 

    • A commitment to worship and serve alongside a local body of Christ-followers and previous participation in a local church for a minimum of one year 

    • A minimum high-school diploma (or equivalent) and a grade-average of 65%

    • Proficiency in spoken and written English as demonstrated in the completion of ENG4U, ENG4M, or ENG4C with a 65%

    All applicants must... 

    • Complete the application form 

    • Provide an official high-school transcript 

    • Provide one pastoral reference 

    • Fill out the residence application (if applicable) 

    Learn more about our admissions process here.

everything you need to know…

course descriptions

course descriptions

  • This course is intended to introduce students to the key issues associated with the interpretation and application of Scripture so that they can engage the biblical text competently and confidently. Students will be equipped with an understanding of the overall biblical narrative as well as the various biblical literately types. They will also be equipped with interpretive tools so they can navigate the content and context of biblical passages from both Testaments.

  • This survey course will provide students with a foundational understanding of the narrative, literature, and theology of the New Testament as well as a preliminary knowledge of the context and content of each writing. In the process, students will not only be introduced to the key interpretive issues surrounding various NT literary types but also guided in the application of their teaching to a life of devotion to Christ and service to his Church.

  • This survey course will provide students with a foundational understanding of the narrative, literature, and theology of the Old Testament as well as a preliminary knowledge of the context and content of each writing. In the process, students will not only be introduced to the key interpretive issues surrounding various OT literary types but also guided in the application of their teaching to a life of devotion to Christ and service to his Church.

  • This survey course will provide students with an understanding of the essential Christian doctrine so they can competently and confidently articulate the foundations of their faith in their unique contexts. Students will also be given a preliminary grasp of the terminology and topics discussed in academic theology, so that they are prepared for further study in Systematic and Historical Theology.

  • This course will explore the ideologies and belief systems of our contemporary culture, inviting students into a greater understanding of postmodernism and its impact on methods of Christian witness. This course will aid students in growing in their missional leadership, teaching students how to remain true to Christian doctrine while witnessing in a cultural relevant manner.

  • This course will orient students around the experience and practice of Christian faith by guiding them in the development of rhythms and habits that cultivate a life of devotion to Jesus. Overall, the goal is to equip students with a compelling vision of spiritual growth and maturity that encapsulates their whole lives as children of God who are united to Jesus and filled with his Spirit.

  • This course orients students to the life skills and leadership competencies that are characteristic of healthy and mature Christian leaders, drawing on an examination of a theology of leadership and historical and contemporary theories and practices of leadership. Through this course, students will grow in their ability to steward the resources and relationships God has given them and to apply essential leadership principles in contemporary contexts. 

  • The DELTA Seminar brings together all the elements of the DELTA program. This course will utilize experiential trips, retreats, and in class discussions and assignments to aid students in growing in their spiritual formation and discipleship. This course will help students to draw connections between all of their courses, helping students to develop a strong framework for Christian life and ministry. 

  • These courses will allow students to learn by actively leading within ministry, gaining invaluable knowledge and practical experience. Students will be paired with a mentor in their ministry area and work and lead alongside their mentor over the semester.