We can’t wait to do this TOGETHER.

We are excited to launch volunteer teams here at EBC. We are inviting believers in our region to come together to join us in establishing a Bible based college that can equip & empower the next generation of Christian Leaders to go out into our Churches & industries on mission for Christ. You are invited to join as many teams as you are interested in.

We can’t wait to do this TOGETHER.

  • Seeking God is our number one priority. For more than 80 years, EBC has sought to equip believers to serve God and this is still the foundation. As the college adapts to the current landscape of biblical education, we need prayer partners to cover both the leadership as well as current and future students as we seek God’s direction for raising up a new generation of biblical leaders. Will you commit to praying for the college at least one day a week?

  • Come alongside the college to help create fundraising initiatives to offset student expenses, and reach out to various potential sponsors and connect them with the college.

  • Come alongside current students as they pursue God’s call in their lives. Mentorship can be either in person or from a distance through phone calls and virtual options.

  • Be an ambassador for the vision of EBC, to equip believers for ministry in the local Church & the marketplace through biblical academic education, rooted spiritual formation, and practical experience.

  • Do you have a gift for hosting, and running events end to end to create meaningful experiences for others? Join our events team!

  • For those who live near EBC, there is an opportunity to get involved in students’ lives by spending time on campus. Helping to run the café once or twice a week helps to build into their lives and develop godly relationships through encouragement.